What are Personal Care Services?
For seniors who are living on their own and need assistance or families who have seniors living with them, but cannot stay with them all the time, personal care services may be the answer. Around the country, many thousands of families are choosing this type of at-home service over assisted living and nursing home centers as the preferred form of care.
Sometimes call private duty or non-medical services, personal care services are designed to help seniors or individuals with needs stay in the comfort of their home while getting the care and attention they need in terms of cleaning, running errands, taking them to appointments, and so forth. The services are strictly non-medical in nature, although it may include medication reminders, but the overall intent is to provide the assistance needed so that seniors can stay at home.
There are several advantages for seniors who choose to have this type of service compared to the alternative of going to an assisted living center or nursing home.
Needs Addressed: The services range from light housekeeping and running errands to helping seniors bathe, shower, get dressed, use the toilet, walking, and so forth. This type of personal service may be performed once per day, such as in the morning to help a senior get on with their day to full-time services where the person may live with the senior. In any event, the versatility of the services can be tailored to the needs of the individual.
Staying at Home: The most beneficial aspect of this type of service is that the senior stays in the comfort of their home. Being at home means living a more comfortable life in a familiar setting as opposed to being moved to a facility. Seniors who stay at home tend to be happier, live healthier, and retain their independence longer compared to those in nursing homes.
Inexpensive: While there is a monthly fee, the cost of hiring a professional care assistant is a fraction compared to moving into an assisted living or nursing home facility. Because the assistant is only there a short time each day, many will take care of several seniors, attending to their needs which reduces the cost to the individual. However, even for those who require 24/7 or live-in arrangements, the cost is significantly less and well within the budget of many seniors.
Companionship: One of the most crucial aspects of living is being with other people. Even those who enjoy their time alone still need companionship from time to time. A personal care service offers someone to talk to which can mean the world to a senior who lives alone. It is having someone near that provides the boost needed for seniors to live fuller, happier lives.
Why Choose Personal Care Services?
This form of in-home service, that includes doing the laundry and providing a safe environment, is far more cost-efficient compared to putting a senior in a nursing home or assisted living center. This type of service keeps the individual in their home where they can lead a normal, healthy, and happy life while getting the assistance they need.
For those who are no longer able to do all the necessary chores around the home or who need non-medical assistance, personal care services offer the answer.
Contact PSC Community Services for more information. Please call 718-389-7060 for more information.